Thursday, April 16, 2009


Suatu hari seorang guru nama dia Cikgu Bidi (bukan nama sebenar) nak bawa isteri dia yang sarat mengandung ke klinik. Dia singgah sekejap di sekolah dia mengajar....sekolah rendah tahun satu. Sempat dia mengingatkan anak murid dia tentang bahaya dan simtom-simtom orang demam Chikungunya. Bila nampak perut isteri dia yang membusung lalu salah seorang anak murid dia bertanya...'Cikgu, tu isteri cikgu nak pi klinik kena Chikungunya ke?' Dengan spontan dan selamba Cikgu Bidi jawab, " Bukan, dia bukan kena Chikungunya...tapi dia kena Cikgupunya...". Budak-budak diam saja (Tak faham).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A woman whose hobby was gardening had to go out of town for a few days, leaving her husband in charge of her plants. After giving him detailed instructions, the woman pleaded, "And please talk to them occasionally."
I'd feel like a fool," said her husband who was not so avid about greenery.
When she returned, she found everything to be just fine. " You did a good job, dear," she said. " Did you talk to the plant?"
"No, I didn't," he replied. " I read the paper out loud in the morning and evening, and if they wanted to listen it was up to them."

Reader's Digest


Kadang-kadang Papan Tanda boleh mengelirukan dan mencuit hati.................Sedang saya memandu suatu hari...........tiba- tiba ternampak papan tanda di tepi jalan.... Kawasan Bahaya,Kurangkan LAJU.....kemudian kira-kira dua kilometer dari situ pula...Kawasan Pantai, Kurangkan BAJU....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ajak keluar

Terdengar dua orang gadis berbual.....

Gadis A - Hang tau dak, haritu aku pi KL. Aku pi jumpa Rosyam Nor. Dia ajak aku keluaq...

Gadis B - Oii...hebatlah hang...betoi ka..baguslah dapat keluaq dengan Rosyam Nor, orang popular macam tu...

Gadis A - Laa..apa pulak...aku pi ofis dia..aku masuk ofis dia...gamaknya dia tak mau aku kacau dia, dia ajaklah aku keluaq...

Gadis B - Oh...keluaq dari ofis dia laa...padan muka hang!!


Dieting was the subject of our after-dinner conversation, and our rather buxom hostess commented that she had weighed only 98 pounds on her wedding day. " That's right," said her husband with a grin. " That's the only investment that I ever made that grew."

by Carol Hayes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Death Notice

Mrs. Willencot was very frugal. When her husband died, she asked the newspaper how much it would cost for a death notice. "Two dollars for five words."
"Can I pay for just two words." she asked. "Willencot dead."
"No, five words is the minimum."
Mrs. Willencot thought a moment. " WILLENCOT DEAD. CADILLAC FOR SALE."


Several months ago, my daughter and I had similar virus symptoms. She decided to consult a doctor so as not to lose any more time from her job.
" I"ll see the doctor," she said " and then tell you what's wrong with us."
The next day she called to say, " Guess what, Mom. We're pregnant!!."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi Smileling..

A smile is usually started by a smile..Senyum bermula dengan senyum juga. It doesn't cost even a single cent. So why worry. Senyumlah, senyumlah ah..hai Cek Mek Molek..